10th Special Retreat 2008-2009

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10th Special Retreat 2008-2009

No Title Download Language
1 Welcoming Talk Dec1,2008 download-button English
2 Wordly Happiness & Dhamma Happiness Dec2,2008 download-button English
3 The Disease of the Defilements ( Kilesas )Dec3,2008 download-button English
4 Two Meanings of the Word Kilesa (1) Dec4,2008 download-button English
5 Two Meanings of the Word Kilesa (2) Dec5,2008 download-button English
6 Two Kinds of Wisdom Dec6,2008 download-button English
7 The Two Guardians of the World Dec7,2008 download-button English
8 Lack of Shame + Lack of Fear Dec 8,2008 download-button English
9 Hiri and Ottappa Dec 9,2008 download-button English
10 The Deva Dhammas Dec 10,2008 download-button English
11 How Nutriment Produces Matter ( Rupa) Dec 11,2008 download-button English
12 How Nutriment Produces Matter (Rupa) Dec 13 2008 download-button English
13 Mental Nourishment is Necessary Dec 14,2008 download-button English
14 Three Kinds of Kilesas Dec 15,2008 download-button English
15 Obsessive Defilements and Concentration Dec 16,2008 download-button English
16 Latent (Dormant) Kilesas (1) Dec 17,2008 download-button English
17 Latent (Dormant) Kilesas (2) Dec 18,2008 download-button English
18 Overcoming the Latent Defilements-1 Dec 19,2008 download-button English
19 Not Knowing the Arising Object, Kilesas Enter Dec20,2008 download-button English
20 Overcoming the Latent Defilements- 2 Dec 21,2008 download-button English
21 Note at the Moment of Arising -1 Dec 22,2008 download-button English
22 Note at the Moment of Arising-2 Dec 23,2008 download-button English
23 Note at the Moment of Arising (3) Dec 24,2008 download-button English
24 True Metta Dec 25,2008 download-button English
25 The Highest Kind of Dana Dec 26,2008 download-button English
26 The Two Worldly Truths Dec 27,2008 download-button English
27 Various Kinds of Happiness Dec 29,2008 download-button English
28 Experiential Happiness& Peaceful Happiness Dec30,2008 download-button English
29 Five Sense Pleasures Dec 31,2008 download-button English
30 Not Knowing, One Clings Jan1,2009 download-button English
31 If You Want to Know Dukkha Sacca Jan2,2009 download-button English
32 Note at the Moment of Arising (4) Jan3,2009 download-button English
33 Ignorance - the Cataract of Delusion Jan4,2009 download-button English
34 Note at the Moment of Arising (5) Jan5,2009 download-button English
35 Dukkha Sacca at the Time of Hearing-1 Jan6,2009 download-button English
36 Dukkha Sacca at the Time of Hearing-2 Jan7,2009 download-button English
37 Discernment of Mind and Matter Jan8,2009 download-button English
38 There must be Faith in the Buddha Jan 9 2009 download-button English
39 The Virtues of the Buddha Jan10,2009 download-button English
40 The Virtues of the Dhamma Jan12,2009 download-button English
41 The Virtues of Sila Jan13,2009 download-button English
42 How to Establish the Training of Samadhi Jan14,2009 download-button English
43 The Meaning of Bhavana-1 Jan15,2009 download-button English
44 The Meaning of Bhavana-2 Jan16,2009 download-button English
45 About Absorption (Jhana)-1 Jan17,2009 download-button English
46 About Absorption ( Jhana)-2 Jan19,2009 download-button English
47 Beings Drift in a Stream of Kilesas Jan20,2009 download-button English
48 How Clear Comprehension Arises Jan21,2009 download-button English
49 Vipassana Jhana Jan22,2009 download-button English
50 How Sabhava Lakkhana is Known Jan23,2009 download-button English
51 How Sankhata Lakkhana is Known Jan24,2009 download-button English
52 How Samanna Lakkhana is Known Jan26,2009 download-button English
53 How Udayabbaya Nana Arises-1 Jan27,2009 download-button English
54 How Udayabbaya Nana Arises-2 Jan28,2009 download-button English
55 The 10 Defilements of Insight Jan29,2009 download-button English
56 Seven Mental Powers Jan30,2009 download-button English
57 Victory Dhamma Talk Jan31,2009 download-button English
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