11th Special Retreat 2009-2010

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11th Special Retreat 2009-2010

No Title Download Language
1 The Meaning of Dhamma Dec5,2009 download-button English
2 Accomplishing Sasana Dec6,2009 download-button English
3 Receptor + Striker = Ignition(1) Dec7,2009 download-button English
4 Dispelling Laziness Dec8,2009 download-button English
5 Receptor + Striker = Ignition(2) Dec10,2009 download-button English
6 Cause and Effect Dec12,2009 download-button English
7 Bhuta = the Five Aggegates Dec13,2009 download-button English
8 The Virtues of Sila, Samadhi, Panna Dec14,2009 download-button English
9 Kusita – the Lazy, Indolent Person Dec16,2009 download-button English
10 Exerting Effort Dec18,2009 download-button English
11 Persistent Effort Dec19,2009 download-button English
12 Characteristics of Viriya, Sati, Samadhi Dec20,2009 download-button English
13 Unique characteristic of nama and rupa Dec21,2009 download-button English
14 Yogi= 3 Levels of Effort Dec22,2009 download-button English
15 Prolonging the Buddha’s teaching Dec23,2009 download-button English
16 Happiness of the Dhamma Dec24,2009 download-button English
17 Seeing things as they are Dec25,2009 download-button English
18 Satipatthana= Fresh Air Dec26,2009 download-button English
19 Cause and Effect Relationships Dec27,2009 download-button English
20 Removing Wrong View Dec28,2009 download-button English
21 Wrong View of Atta Dec29,2009 download-button English
22 Sakkayadhitthi Dec31,2009 download-button English
23 The Breath and Rising- Falling Jan1,2010 download-button English
24 The Cripple and the Blind Person Jan2,2010 download-button English
25 Minor Stream-Enterer Jan3,2010 download-button English
26 Anicca, Aniccalakkhana, Aniccanupassana Jan4,2010 download-button English
27 Sensuously Attracted Jan5,2010 download-button English
28 Three Rounds and the Simile of a Tree Jan6,2010 download-button English
29 Cutting the Three Rounds(1) Jan8,2010 download-button English
30 Cutting the Three Rounds(2) Jan9,2010 download-button English
31 Proper Attainment of End of Suffering(1) Jan10,2010 download-button English
32 Proper Attainment of End of Suffering(2) Jan11,2010 download-button English
33 Proper Attainment of End of Suffering(3) Jan12,2010 download-button English
34 In Combat with the Defilements Jan13,2010 download-button English
35 The Benefits of Practise Jan14,2010 download-button English
36 The Meaning of Satipatthana Jan15,2010 download-button English
37 Intensely Outstanding Mindfulness Jan16,2010 download-button English
38 Not Letting the Kilesa Weeds Grow Jan17,2010 download-button English
39 Preventing Kilesa Fire Jan18,2010 download-button English
40 Samapajana Jan19,2010 download-button English
41 Removing Latent Defilements Momentarily Jan20,2010 download-button English
42 The Meaning of Kilesa Jan21,2010 download-button English
43 Two Kinds of Latent Defilements Jan22,2010 download-button English
44 Buddha the Eye Surgeon Jan23,2010 download-button English
45 Dhamma Nutriment Jan24,2010 download-button English
46 Two Kinds of Jhana Jan25,2010 download-button English
47 Jhanic Factors (1) Jan26,2010 download-button English
48 Jhanic Factors (2) Jan27,2010 download-button English
49 Udayabbaya Nana Jan28,2010 download-button English
50 Defilements of Insight Jan29,2010 download-button English
51 Progress of Insight Jan30,2010 download-button English
52 Benefits of Becoming a Sotapanna Jan31,2010 download-button English
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