9th Special Retreat 2007-2008

+951 535 448

9th Special Retreat 2007-2008

No Title Download Language
1 Welcoming Talk Dec1,2007 download-button English
2 Two Causes for Fulfilment of Sasana Dec21,2007 download-button English
3 Two Causes for Right View Dec22,2007 download-button English
4 Six Kinds of Right View Dec23,2007 download-button English
5 Kamma=One's Own Property (1) Dec24,2007 download-button English
6 Kamma=One's Own Property (2) Dec25,2007 download-button English
7 Kamma=One's Own Property (3) Dec26,2007 download-button English
8 The Meaning of Kusala and 3 Kinds of Dana Dec27,2007 download-button English
9 Dana Which is Parami Dec28,2007 download-button English
10 Jhana Sammaditthi Jan2,2008 download-button English
11 The Vehical for Reaching Nibbana Jan3,2008 download-button English
12 Vipassana Sammaditthi Jan4,2008 download-button English
13 Vipassana Sammaditthi cont'd Jan5,2008 download-button English
14 Vipassana Sammaditthi cont'd Jan6,2008 download-button English
15 Vipassana Sammaditthi cont'd Jan7,2008 download-button English
16 Jhanic Factors and Their Opposites Jan8,2008 download-button English
17 The One Who Shrinks from Doing Good Jan9,2008 download-button English
18 The Person With Progressive Effort (1) Jan10,2008 download-button English
19 The Person With Progress Effort (2) Jan11,2008 download-button English
20 The Capabilities of Momentary Concentration Jan12,2008 download-button English
21 The Energy of Viriya, Sati and Samadhi Jan13,2008 download-button English
22 Freedom from Kilesas with Strong Samadhi Jan14,2008 download-button English
23 Weapons for Fighting the Internal Enemy Jan15,2008 download-button English
24 Four-Limbed Viriya Jan16,2008 download-button English
25 How Wisdom Knows Jan17,2008 download-button English
26 Base, Striker, and Spark Jan18,2008 download-button English
27 The Two Wordly Truths Jan19,2008 download-button English
28 The Four Noble Truths in Each Noting Jan20,2008 download-button English
29 Dhammoja(Nourishment for the Mind) Jan21,2008 download-button English
30 Knowing Mind & Matter in Sitting Down Jan22,2008 download-button English
31 Knowing Cause and Effecct Jan23,2008 download-button English
32 How Wrong View is Eliminated Jan24,2008 download-button English
33 Three Characteristics Jan25,2008 download-button English
34 Note at the Very Moment to See True Nature Jan26,2008 download-button English
35 Impermament, Suffering & Mere Process Jan27,2008 download-button English
36 The Suffering of the Rounds of Existence(1) Jan28,2008 download-button English
37 The Suffering of the Rounds of Existence(2) Jan29,2008 download-button English
38 Various Kinds of Happiness Jan30,2008 download-button English
39 Experiential Happiness & Peaceful Happiness (1) Jan31,2008 download-button English
40 Experiential Happiness & Peaceful Happiness (2) Feb1,2008 download-button English
41 Removing Sassata Ditthi and Uccheda Ditthi (1) Feb2,2008 download-button English
42 Removing Sassata Ditthi and Uccheda Ditthi (2) Feb3,2008 download-button English
43 One must listen to the Dhamma of the Wise Feb4,2008 download-button English
44 The Dhamma Bears the Dhamma Bearer Feb5,2008 download-button English
45 3 Trainings and the 3 levels of Kilesas Feb6,2008 download-button English
46 3 Trainings and the 3 levels of Kilesas Feb7,2008 download-button English
47 How the Dhamma Saves One Feb8,2008 download-button English
48 The Dhamma is Our only Refuge Feb9,2008 download-button English
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