Rules of Conduct for The Meditation Hall

+951 535 448

Rules of Conduct for The Meditation Hall

  •   Absolutely no talking in the meditation hall. Please avoid making noise and causing disturbances of any kind to fellow meditators.
  •   Please do not be late for the sitting periods.
  •   Do not change the position and speed of the fans after the beginning of a sitting period. Also do not switch lights on/off or open/close windows during a sitting period.
  •   Please do not do walking meditation in the meditation hall during the sitting periods.
  •   Please do not walking in a rough, noisy, brisk or zap-zap manner. Do not walk close to the sitting meditators.
  •   Please sit in line with the meditators in front of you and on either side.
  •   Please do not fold the sitting cushion and then sit on it.
  •   Please do not take the sitting cushion to your room or anywhere else.
  •   Group sittings in the meditation hall are compulsory unless the meditation teacher gives special permission to sit in one's room.
  •   Refrain from meditating in the lying posture in the meditation hall.
  •   Please do not do physical exercise in the meditation hall. Physical exercise to a limited extent in one's room is permitted.

(Ovadacariya Sayadaw U Pandita)

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